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MSG-2580 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

모델 MSG-2580
판매가격 13,280,300원
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • MSG-2580 (+0원)
  • 카탈로그
  • 메뉴얼
  • 프로그램
  • 드라이버
  • 데이터시트

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

MSG-2580 FM-AM Standard Signal Generators

The MSG-2580 is a high quality instrument designed to meet with stringent requirements in generation of signals in the 10kHz to 280MHz range. Use of a PLL system ensures high accuracy and stability in the carrier generation. Frequency and amplitude modulation singly or simultaneously, can be applied to the RF carrier.
The RF output level covers very wide range, -20 to +132dBµ at open circuit (also settable to EMF dBµ and dBm). Particular attention has been paid to achieve low FM distortion, high S/N, superior stereo separation, and low AM distortion . These advantages make this generator most suited for use in development and measurements of receivers, amplifiers, filters and other circuits operating in the AM, FM and TV broadcast bands.

 All operating functions controlled with a microprocessor and the set values indicated in digital form for ease in readout.
 All panel functions can be memorized and up to 100 points stored and recalled.
 With the microprocessor, programming is possible for simplifying measurements.
 Carrier frequencies settable to 7 digits; high stability assured with use of the PLL system.
 Δ(increment / decrement) control of frequencies and output level possible.
 Carrier frequency, output level and modulation level adjustable in steps.
 Fixed crystal oscillator at 89.9MHz used for S/N measurement.
 Wide range of output level, -20 to 132dBµ at open circuit. With 3-digit display, settable in 1dB steps.
 Output level unit can be offset for EMF dBµ(open circuit), dBµ or dBm.
 Switchable source impedances, 50Ω and 75Ω.
 Low modulation distortion, high S/N and superior stereo characteristics.
 Recall of preset points, modulation level settings and continuously variable increment/ decrement functions can be remotely controlled.
 The GP-IB control can be built-in for the carrier frequency, output level and modulation.

 Frequency Characteristics 
Range 10kHz to 280MHz
• 7-digit LED 0.1 to 3MHz, 10Hz, min.
3 to 130MHz, 100Hz, min.
130 to 280MHz, 200Hz, min.
Δf. (Incremental freq.)
Accuracy 2×10 -6
Stability 2×10 -7/Week
Fixed Frequency 89.9MHz (Crystal oscillator)
Settings Numerical enter and increment keys; cursor and increment controls.

 Output Characteristics 
Level Range -20 to +132dBµ, at open circuit; unit=dBµ, EMF dBµ, dBm and Offset
Indication 3-digit LED (min.=1dB); ±1dB with vernier control.
ΔdB (Incremental output)
Accuracy ±1dB, 20 to 132dBµ
±1.5dB, -20 to 20dBµ
Leveling ±1dB, 400kHz to 280MHz
±1.5dB, 10kHz to 400kHz
Source Impedance (Switchable) 50Ω, VSWR less than 1.2
75Ω, VSWR less than 1.2 (10kHz to 130MHz)
RF Leakage Will not affect output level performance.
Spurious Signals 
• Second harmonic Less than -30dB
•Non-harmonics Less than -60dB in 400 to 1700kHz
And 75 to 110MHz ranges and less than -50dB in other ranges.
Residual Modulation 
• FM Less than 7.5Hz (S/N equivalent over 80dB at 75kHz deviation) in demodulated band.
80Hz to 20kHz with 50µs de-emphasis and in carrier frequency range, 75 to 110MHz
• AM Less than 0.03% (S/N equivalent over 60dB) in demodulated band 80Hz to 20kHz.
Settings Numerical enter and increment keys: cursor and increment controls.

 Modulation Characteristics 
Modes FM and AM with internal or external source; simultaneous FM and AM.
Frequency Deviation 0 to 150kHz in 32.5 to 65MHz range
0 to 300kHz in 3 to 32.5MHz, 65 to 280MHz range
0 to 30kHz in 300kHz to 3MHz; 10% of carrier frequency below 300kHz
Indication 3-digit LED (minimum digit 0.1kHz steps; 1kHz steps above 100kHz deviation)
Accuracy ±5% of maximum value in 3 to 280MHz range
Internal Modulation 400Hz and 1000Hz, ±3%
External Modulation a) Frequency range, 20Hz to 120Hz, ±1dB, separation over 60dB at 1kHz in 75 to 108MHzrange.
b) Input impedance, approx 10kΩ unbalanced.
C) Input voltage, approx. 3Vp-p ±2%
Distortion With 1kHz signal at 75kHz deviation in the demodulated band, 250Hz to 20kHz.
with 50µs de-emphasis applied;
Less than 0.1% and less than 0.01% in the 10.7MHz, 75 to 110MHz range.
Incidental AM Less than 0.5% at 75kHz deviation
Settings Numerical enter and increment keys; preset keys for 22.5kHz and 75kHz deviation.
Modulation Range 0 to 99.9%, up to 124dBµ output at open circuit
Indication 3-digit LED (0 to 99.9%, minimum digit, 0.1%).
Accuracy ±5% of maximum indication in 0 to 80% range.
Internal Modulation 400Hz and 1000Hz, ±3%
External Modulation 
• Frequency range 20Hz to 10kHz, ±1dB;
20Hz to 20kHz, ±1dB in 400 to 1700kHz range.
• Input impedance Approx. 10kΩ unbalanced.
• Input Voltage Approx.3Vp-p ±2%
Distortion In demodulated band, 80Hz to 20kHz
Less than 1% at 50% modulation with 1kHz signal
Less than 0.1% in 400 to 1700kHz range.
Incidental FM Less than 75Hz with 1kHz signal at 30% modulation.
Settings Numerical enter and increment keys, and preset 30% modulation.
Remote Control Functions Store frequency, output, modulation recall.
Memory Back-up Battery provided

 General Data 
Power Requirements AC 100V, 115V, 215V or 230V ±10% (Voltage selector provided), 50/60Hz; approx. 70VA.
Dimensions Overall Approx. 430 (W) × 115 (H) × 380 (D) mm
Weight Approx. 15kg



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